[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

So basically they shouldn’t out because… you don’t want more BD Information?

Yeah, sorry, I’ve been busy today.

because it could still waste scum’s time

plus, they can always out d2 to give bd that info

At most, At most, scum has 1 occupy-er. Compared to the god knows how many the BD has.

i dont know how many bd has outside of the offensive classes cause i havent looked there.
but again if the winner was a townread then the people targeting them with an occupy would most likely be scum so there is that.

And if the winner is Soc/Supp/Inv scum?

yeah, but the candadites of geyde, merc, and kai are all not townreads



how does that affect it

If the winner was Rando cult, then they could just be retrained to be… well… guess.

i dont know how cult retraining works
just tell me what is lost by bd from the winner being a scum thats one of those 3

Unoccupiable scum = bad news

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someone deduces the mitochondia?

too fucking bad! they can’t be occed now

angered grrkgrkgrkgkrg

That is Unseen Spec, something the wiki can take care of.

this little guy, however, will have his inf use ability nullified by the winner.

want to swap a scumread with someone you want to protect?

too damn bad!


hello I am back and pleased to say we won the soccer tournament


We have dedcuded the Tsar is Mad

what made him mad


You just gave up ):