[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

Frick grkgkkrkgkrk

@Geyde who would you shoot rn if you had a gun

My god I’m so bad at this grkgkrfkkgekf

Simon I take back all insults grkgkrkgkrkfk

the wikipidist(maxwells own class, iirc) did his charade thing(occ/red immunity to the winner) and maxwell competedr.

effectively nullifying the compition, had he won.


Look, I was tempted. I forgot my class was occupy immune, and as most here should know, i am very susceptible to being tempted by riddles.
I’m HT and I legitimately fucked up and I’m sorry.

That defense is entirely true and it nullifies your argument against me.

What is HT again?


heroic tsar
HT = heroic tsar
CT = corrupt tsar
DT = devout tsar

how does them being those specific things classtypes change anything is what i mean
of course if any scum gets it thats bad. the way you worded it implies that theres something special about if the scum is soc/supp/inv. also, only if its cult and only one person in cult would be soc/supp/inv,

oh, heroic tzar.

yeah, idgaf about your defense right here, the fact that you “forgot” king was fucking occ immune is just a little off.


im just going to do GK EK and Neut King

and NK king for psycho

ive been lurking in thread watching

I kinda dislike Marshal, a lot of his posts look like push attempts but in reality are just throwing shade.

Would probably take a look at him imo

it’s more that the opportunity to solve a riddle distracted and tempted me so much that I neglected to fully recall the king’s occ immunity than completely forgetting that fact.

Assume that the cult is smart enough to have a plan to either make their Infiltrator Occ immune (Counter play) or their Rando cult occ immune (Not optimal), assuming it is a cult game. If it’s unseen, well, none of this applies

kai, did you or did you not win


i think it was best Maxwell got it even if he is scum he already has occ immunity so hey

my small gay brain does not get it

he didnt get it, and saying it’s good he got it is weird as fuck.

why is it good for king to steal occ immunity, as opposed to a random player habing it tonight.
