[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

I feel like SDA and Soul are pushing for my death.

Stop rage inducing Jake. Rage inducing NEVER goes well.

its a perfectly valid tactic

It is

we arenā€™t doing that.

I am giving advice
kai is being kai.

You are giving advice. The other two are just trolling a child.

it is a scum tatcit, to be fair.

I kinda somewhat purposefully made blizer mad to get him to give up

and it worked

Angleshooting is also a perfectly valid tactic. Yet itā€™s banned.

Harassment is a perfectly valid tactic. Yet itā€™s also banned.

Itā€™s worth it imo

Adventure time come-on grab your bats

(Cuz weā€™re a angry mod at jakes house)

Yeah but with jakes meta, I think itā€™s worth it

I mean, reads on jake are fine.

but merc is right. fueling the fire doesnā€™t help.

if people play angry they make mistakes

if they make mistakes they slip up

if they slip up it helps us find their alignment

rn im keeping my read on jake a secret so they dont know which buttons to press

Remember literally every other game where I raged because I was being pushed on because I was, in the eyes of the people, suspicious?

If you donā€™t stop being toxic I will try to make a case to get you force replaced myself.

Stop being toxic or Iā€™m asking Eevee to replace you out

Itā€™s not being toxic, itā€™s called pressureā€¦

This isnā€™t a gang war nobody hates jake

using poor plays in the past to defend poor play now is not a good thing to do.

you should stop the ate and giving up.

fight the reads
prove why you are town

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So your intent is to harass me to get my alignment. That is the most inhumane thing you could possibly do.

i make people angry yet have reasons behind it

derps is ā€œlolmetaā€

AtE is the thing i hate most in FM as on a personal level it hurts to read.