[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

And no, it doesn’t.
I got invested in the riddle and wanted to try to solve it because riddles are very fun for me. I didn’t put any thought into the ramifications of possibly winning the challenge (which I not only lost, but lost laughably) before getting deeply involved in trying to solve the riddle. That’s all there is to it, period.

Maybe you think it does, but it’s undoubtedly not of enough value to be of significance on its own.

Mostly false
A majority of offensives can’t target King whatsoever


are you referring to PKR or me as false

welp, this is apparently enough to make me sympathetic enough to sufficiently pocket me. like i know this doesnt make logical sense, but yet i cannot bring myself to vote jake over this

its better play yes, but its the kinds of plays that make me feel mean, so i dont like them or being a part of them.

and im just going to ask that we agree to disagree on whether or not its worth it.

woot, congrats you gave me proof to not town or scum read you over the fact that your being productive. now make us townread you by getting stuff out of being productive

because once you point it out i believe thats enough self-reflective knowledge to manipulate one’s actions to exploit their meta reads. so its not that others can use it and you cant, its that others can use it, but once you point it out, neither can use it.

Luxy: “he seems to know its a cult game, perhaps he is cult with TMI”
also Luxy: “It doesnt matter that he seems to know which particular neuts there are this game”

well yeah, but sometimes it really is just a joke and nobody likes getting scumread over something they didnt intend to have any meaning.

ngl i saw i missed ~400 posts and skipped most of them so sorry if i missed anything important

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The theory being ‘collapsed’

Fair, thanks.

You can’t TMI neuts

Thoughts on marshal and pkr’s arguments against me?

yeah but in the same post where he supposedly knew whether it is cult or unseen, with the same level of certainty, he supposedly knew which neuts there are.
so how could that post be tmi for either thing?

I agreed to some extent
Given, I haven’t liked how Pkr had handled your slot before that.

Not building worlds off it since that’s what tomorrow is for


No one can know what the particular neuts are but you can know what faction there is if you’re on it… :man_facepalming:

you can also, y’know, 50/50 guess.

like, why would i specifically put bishop in my hyopthetical-cultist-post

We’re past this, its just simon being stupid

What if the proven Prince said to execute the proven Mystic?
You are unable to scumread the Prince, yet it’s a scummy action.

well, executiing the mystic isnt scummy, as it has executing(a bd-only action) directly in it

…You’re surprised that when attacked by being scumread… they become defensive… What?

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however, if they said they killed the mystic, i would be kinda sus