[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

By execute, I mean in an actual trial execute, as in people vote to execute

oh, well if this is reffering to TOL, then i would find it scummy, as prince could be possessed

Hah! AtE does work!

Itā€™s the logic behind the argument that Iā€™ve explained numerous times.

It can also have grounds for inciting harassment.

Well then, thatā€™s fantastical noose for me.

I mean in FoL.

well then no. as confirmed prince is confirmed BD.

however, this isnā€™t the case and you know it.
king isnā€™t ā€œconfirmed BDā€ at all.

he is like 60/40 BD.
and his actions make me focus on the 40 a little more than the 60.

I think that itā€™s TvT.

BuT mArShAl!1! U uSe OdDs AlL tHe TiEm!1!111!!

Leaning towards this as well.

Inb4 itā€™s SvS

Certain they are matching alignments at this point.

<So youā€™re scum then?>

I am feeling this too.

i think my alignment matches pkrā€™s

just donā€™t see pkr and marshal having conflicting alignments at this point.

But I think itā€™s T+TvT

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It just isnā€™t a tvs interaction.

I think its s/t v TvT

Well, you arenā€™t fighting PKR, right? Unless I missed this.


im saying its (king) vs (me+pkr)

Then do S/T v T+T