[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

oh yeah duh doy


Simon then simply EVAPORATED from the thread.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s actually a slip.

If he was Cult, why would he suggest someone was converted to the Unseen?

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It is easier for scum to forget how much info town have than for town to forget how much info town have

It was easier for him to forget that Geyde died and thus the town know it is a cult game than for him to forget that Geyde flipped cult.

donā€™t really directly call it a slip either but Iā€™d like to hear from simon

I donā€™t think heā€™d forget that his scumbud died.

Not by accident. But of course forgetting on purpose or at least pretending to forget would not be outside of the realm of possibility here.

Thatā€™s true, but it still seems weird.

Anyway, Iā€™m looking through the NKs/Scum to see which ones have dayvigs.

also he was siding with geyde D1 after some basic ass distancing

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@Simon wanna explain things weā€™ve got time.

Lets not rush into anything aka voting simon or me up until he explains ect.

I think mercenary has somewhat of a point but then again I could see simon as bd.

The only NK with a dayvig is Kai (the class), unless I missed one.

Memesky could imitate this though.

Iā€™ll check the Cult/Neutral classes now.

Fence sitting intensifies

and almost only interacts with Geyde and Jake

also Simon has 130 posts of only mechanics talk and fluff.

and marshal/derps/pkr

No Cult classes have a dayvig (unless I missed it).

Jeff Probst (Neutral Social) has a dayvig, but I donā€™t think the conditions were met.

So the NK should be Kai (the class).

Noā€¦ The dayvig was quite clear and the fact you do not understand where it comes from is more than concerning.