[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

what’s acid wash mean

Have you people never heard of Crooked Hillary acid-washing the emails?

I don’t know, I’ve asked already but he didn’t tell me.


Explain what it means


I’m not reading yur article ):<

It basically means evidence that has been tampered with.

I’ve heard of those emails mysteriously dissapearing, but hadn’t heard the term “acid-washing” before today.

Honestly, you should invite people that you think are converted, as they have limited uses on abilities.

That’s actually not a bad idea.

Oh yeah, forgot about that last part.

Where has he done this

He has spewed lies all over this forum in an attempt of having CULTIST ideals met.

Okay, but where

Yes, while not in this game when I am randomly thinking I randomly think whether it would be a good idea to convert someone into being a member of the Cult.

He has lied here. These are LIES that a cultist has spewed in an attempt to shade Wazza. Check the elipsis as well, he wants someone to follow on and take the blame for it. ACID WASHED LIES.

Accepts any post as an excuse as he’s scared to push on people further. ACID. WASHED.

He’s trying to stop neutral discussion.

These are only examples. There is also my wallpost here.

He has tried to acid-wash the evidence he is a cultist by lying.
Off with his head!

@Maxwell let me in imperial chat, i need to get things out

For clarification I’ve settled on calling him a cultist since it gives a better ring to it than evil neutral.

You’re just plain wrong here.

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