[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

Oh to add to that why the hell would I hardclaim a class with claimvigges rolling about.
That’s just extra incrimination.

Well, seeing as you aren’t dead yet to the supposed claimvig, you might be it. Or the Claimvig isn’t killing you to make you seem sus. Off to WIFOM city we go.

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Let’s test it-

this is what I get for trying townreads

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/vote JakeTheWolfie

I’m tryin to get my brain to work this out

kyo/luxy is mech confirmed scum

Simon. Mercenary has people added on the Atlas. Use that to as information to limit down the suspects of town.

If Kai survives I am going to be astounded.

I don’t know how the atlas works so y’all figure that out


I was the one who created it.
Happy to help.

Go away unless you’re posting extreme memes

are we forgetting wazza choosing to try and vig you and luxy and failed?


too many words too late at night

Wazza did not try and vig me. He tried to justice check us.

I feel extremely betrayed

you should be ashamed

My brain was just like wahbam it all makes sense now