[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

I’m actually surprised nobody has figured out what I am yet.

I honestly don’t care.

I know.

sure let’s go with ignoring the fact luxy is near mech confirmed BD

Maxwell devout king

Kai/Simon Cult

maxi/kyo neuts imo

Luxy can be swapped with maxi

Huh jgoes is a coin flip too

Did Eevee ever say how enheritance works?


holy shit i don’t think i could come up with something more dumb if i was high out my mind

1: No. Luxy/Kyo aren’t the same alignment.
2: Seraph isn’t Unique.

You’ve almost completely ignored Simon so if I had to pick between y’all being CL I’d say Simon tbh

Yea one of them is nk

There are other neutrals than Seraph, you know.

At Worst, there are only 2 BD sided people here.

That’s true.

At best, we have 2 Chemists. So the amount of BD sided people here is between 2-7

Chemist isn’t necessarily BD, they can also win with the NK.

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At Best, we have 5 BD, At Bestest, we have 2 chemists helping the BD


Which is exactly why lynching me is an absolutely terrible idea. I have BD’s best intentions in mind as I believe if I am to die I still win if BD wins.
The only way I side Cult/NK here is if I guarantee my survival which I cannot as NK is in a bad spot and if I announce I am siding Cult I’m immediate claimvig target.

I am not group scum or NK. Lynch Maximus here please.

You literally cannot side with the Cult

You couldn’t even side with Cult if you wanted to.

The fact that you don’t know that and that you didn’t use this:

Instead of losing your passive worries me.