[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

But then who are the Neutrals?

Although if Luxy does confirm 5, I will withdraw from my accusations.

Probably Seraph and Memesky (I don’t care how much you say they aren’t a Neutral, there is literally no other way for it to spawn)

Yeah, but WHO? Not what classes.

That’s a difficult Question to answer, because we would need to have a clue as to what the neuts are before finding out who they might be. For instance, someone might be Chad Vala for claiming to redirect someone.

whos 5


I think he means Kai.

memesky counts as an nk

Wait, how do you know that?


check the memesky class card

wait no i was referring to this

ah well
i still think it would count as one

Ah yes, as A neutral killer you would want your non-existant competition to die.

Don’t think it counts as NK.

still, it makes the most sense for the class as a whole.

Then why would you need that NK clause?

because how it was written can be different from how it is interpreted

plus, just because its there doesnt mean it cant be an nk.
im pretty sure that were there multiple nks they’d be against each other

It’s not a Killer. Therefore it’s not a Neutral Killer