[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

You’re not even trying to hide it anymore lol

I don’t know. Are you?

infinite loop

Idk, are you?

Chemist can be disciple.

I know

listen, jake, if you have 1 neut as a disciple, then its not in the nk’s interest to kill it, as that would make you side cult unless your other one is the nk themselves.
and the nk needs to kill the cult, but they dont need to kill a neutral, and thusly, they wouldnt have to kill you

You’re as divine as you.

What’s that supposed to mean?

so jake, keeping in mind that if you have at least 1 neut as a disciple that its not in the nk’s interest to kill it, do you have at least one disciple between jgoes and kyo, the 2 other neut claims

only say whether you have at least 1, because if you have exactly one, then it becomes very much so in the cult’s interest to kill the other

I have 0 Divine Disciples.

Impossible. You start with two and only one non-BD is dead.

So… you were fake-claiming?

Flip Tampering, obviously

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kyo, if it came down to it, would you side nk or bd?

Oh wait, you mean you have 0 disciples in me/kyo don’t you?

and jgoes, if you lost and it came down to it, same question

It would really depend on who the NK is.
If they were trying to vote me out then they’re dying instantly. Literally. Instantly voted.
But I’d most likely side BD if I get Tsar. Otherwise then NK is my quickest way of winning.

i wont persecute you over your answer here

assuming its a kingmaker scenario between bd and nk
your choice who you side with, and your choice determines the winner, you win either way