[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins


I believe there may not even be an action. I think you might be a cult that has been trained to a different class that can no longer use charades and youā€™re using this as an excuse to get away with being Tsar and then magically not having charades.

wait. for. the. hosts.



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That doesnā€™t change their class. He would still be a cult offensive, just with cult-point abilities from another class

No luxy you misunderstand. Iā€™m p sure your cult and I know your starting class so I would have already killed you. Do you want me to out you? Cause like say the word and I can totally do that

Why are yā€™all acting like he couldnā€™t charades as cult? Like thatā€™s almost certainly available for cult points

Omg I just realized an interaction. If Jake is elected King and they die they can add people to the imperial chat post mortem

I asked Alice about this, because I wondered about it. Yes the hell it does.


Like Iā€™m p sure it would clear me as not nk if I out luxy

Well based purely on how itā€™s written it should. It says it changes their inherited abilities to those of a chosen be as if they were that before they were converted
What it doesnā€™t say is change their class as if they were a converted form of [x]

Different ability inheritance also includes the cult abilities. So unless youā€™re saying that 5 could be a Trickster with Crusader abilities, Iā€™m not buying it.

Who the heck is 5

People have been referring to them all game


Also, yes that is exactly what I am saying

Thatā€™s not what the hosts told me.

Well, purely from the way itā€™s written, it should be.

Iā€™m not saying what it is, hosts havenā€™t told me one way or the other, Iā€™m saying what it should be

Note: Eevee has messaged me and heā€™s in the hospital RN. Once Iā€™m done with some things on my end Iā€™ll pick up the job here as the main host.

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Someone has started a Wikipedia Charades!

Jakethewolfie has been elected as the Tsar!

Vsem privet, Tsar Jakethewolfie :ru:


You may all vote for the lynch now.