[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

I’ve sent in a claimvig for Jgoes.
He isn’t siding BD.

Jake, I suggest using that fancy lynch immunity on me if I am one of your disciples. And quickly before I am lynched.

<Fucking Heretics, man>

I lied. If you couldn’t tell.

jake, just flipping tell us please if kyo is one of your disciples

shock and awe



is that a no as in no he is not your disciple or a no as in no im not telling you

Well. Jgoes is now going to hell. So jake is now allied with the cultists.

No as in Kyo must die

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Your last resort of having the neutrals save you is now gone I’m afraid.
I feel kinda bad for sending off Jgoes but it was required.

:man_shrugging: until i see it happen i refuse to believe that

I’m sorry to say but You’ve been subdued.

I’m immune to occupation.

/vote kyo
just need 1 more, now

it bypasses

And it’s also Night Occing.

Oh. So it does. Well he’s subdued before the claimvig.

presumably he subdued you as soon as you were outed as nk

good going jake! :+1: