[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

On a different tangent.

I think retooling King to actually have some more interesting unconfirmable powers would be interesting™

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Looks like BD invest is next

BD social*

I want all of you to guess my thoughts on these

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ToL RP but it is Grand Idea thread

RP as one of the Drunkbominations

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prob to confirmable, but thats just a guess, since invests have that problem

Sort of right

Vanilla townie rp

Cartographer is a rare gem. 10/10.


I now realize that announcing my thoughts on this is mean spirited af, but I will make an exception for the BD invests


Nick played like NK
Enemy with everyone
Not a class made to win
Smited N2
I’m so proud

Nono express your opinion

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and No

All of them are bad

Astro/Tailor are way too fucking strong
Cartographer is…meh

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Astro is strong but playable if everyone else was strong too

It could work, but it is like trying to learn a language

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how will this work with MM invest immunity

It’s Noble on steroids

The other two are pretty wtfed
Cartographer gets weak after N1

It will still see through it