[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

or someone selects a classtpe and learns if that type visited the player.

I like the 1-shot tailor and frame bypass, but like jake said, passive peircning isnt as good.

It doesn’t pierce tailors, only frames.
Why is he frame immune? Because I didn’t think frames would make a big impact on the abilities when designing it.

I would have to massively overhaul it in order to make it FoL friendly

I knew you had no chance of getting me lynched with such a shaky read and you allowed me to get towncred by defending myself against it

Guess that’s a no-go then :frowning:

Unfortunately, yeah
It’s more a victim of circumstances than anything else tbh


The Mind Flayer :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Insanity (Passive) - You are immune to death at night, occupation and redirection. You are immune to bleeding, and will be informed if attempted to be bled.
Mindstorm (Passive) - Once per night you may guess a player’s class. If you are correct you will empower Brain Destruction. You will additionally gain a one-night buff depending on the class type of the player in question. All players you correctly guess with this ability will have their votes targeting you negated silently for the next two days. This passive will be disabled if you guess incorrectly twice. Cannot Target the King.
Insight (Day) - Gain a clue to your target’s class type. You receive the same results as princess. [4 Uses]
Mind Read (Day) - You will see who your target visits tonight. [4 Uses]
Brain Destruction (Night) - Kill a player. You will be able to choose who they target tonight, bypassing redirection immunity. You may not redirect the King. [Infinite Uses]
Whispers of Insanity (Night) - Cause a player to commit suicide, destroying their logs and allowing you to determine what they flip as the next day. You will receive their real class and their logs. [1 Use, Cannot Target the King]
Possible Buffs Gained:

  • Killer: Gain an addition use of Whispers of Insanity.
  • Offensive: You will occupy everyone visiting you, bypassing occupy immunity.
  • Support: You will heal yourself tomorrow night, curing infection and bleed.
  • Social: You will be guaranteed to visit your target.
  • Investigative: All uses of Insight and Mind Read will be replenished. Your visits will be hidden from Investigators.
  • Special: You will appear as the class of your choice to investigators.

Goal: Destroy both the major factions and any neutrals who may stand in your way.

Here is something I thought about for half a minute then changed
Only change is that it has late game by being able to passively disable votes toward itself on people it correctly marks

Is it too strong?

Do I need to spend more time on it?
Also probably

Supposed to be BD special but special was already taken so I just changed it to support

I get
That’s what I had in my notes

It used to have 2kpn and fk won with it in Infection 1

I misread like 5 things oh fuck

It was originally balanced for a 24er and even then it was very strong so its been reworked a lot. It’s still my baby tho

Mind Read is a day ability
How does that affect this

I was under the idea that it just gives the buff to the sk shot and the class type buff

Actually wtf thats wrong

Supposed to empower this

Heiress was stolen from my home forum it’s a custom role we made

I tweaked it a bit

How could you make it less confirmable though

I know