[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

wait does the rando cultist still get cult-point abilities?

I had messed up earlier.

eevee told me that was my only warning.
and now i will be modkilled

To give themself leverage? Why would Wiki use it D1? To give themself leverage

I would assume so.

to let the game know they exist, so they can claim later?

I donā€™t think any starting cult has that ability.

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:frowning: Bye then I guess.

based off what class?

would they get a random classā€™s options and just choose one to use, at the start of d1?

alright, this has sizzled out.


This. This right here.

I am not platypus, and will not be modkilled.

i was waiting to see if someone would ping the mod or something. trying to get me killed

I mean, they could just ping them in their classcardā€¦ Or Unseen chat

Iā€™m not confident enough to take shots yet

I just used my last like on this.

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yes i know.

but i just wanted to see what would happen.

I mean, I was going to, because I wasnā€™t sure youā€™d actually die until you said:

i wonder if there were a donation perk of either infinite likes or many more likes, how many people would buy it

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give me a gun and i shoot scum


i would get even tho i get paid jack shit

Probably me.