[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

/fos derps for now

@JakeTheWolfie donā€™t self meta to defend yourself.
If you explain your meta, it means you are aware of it
If you are aware of it, you can fake it as wolf
So since you can appeal to self meta as both alignments, it is useless

Therefore, donā€™t use my past as meta.

No, people can appeal to your meta. You just canā€™t appeal to it.

But appealing to meta on proactiveness really tastes unfair because that would hinder you from improving.
I mean, unless you were 2018 Hjasik.

bringing up your meta means you know your meta

which makes your meta invalid

and your point invalid

People can appeal to something that I can fake asā€¦ either factionā€¦ Thanks.

Lol do yā€™all really think that was a real claim

my 2018 meta was to be sans and do minimum effort

Honestly? No.

I was just trying to fuck with Kai nk if they exist

yes haha funny.

but the way you did all of it was dumb and bad and bad

I self resolve on PKR tonight

Only if you are aware of it and actively trying to change.
Even Hjasik changed her gameplay when she learnt about her really obvious meta.

discouraging disussion of it through shade, howeverm is not good

Do it the marshal way. Put a bullshit but intentional out for yourself :wolf:

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your profile pic is a wolf

therefor you are a wolf so Iā€™m killing to tonight, no if buts or whys Itā€™s happening

are you scared? or you brave

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This game, Iā€™m trying to change the meta. Trying to. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll succeed. Iā€™ll probably fail miserably. But at least I tried.

Iā€™m a movie, yes.

theres a difference between meta reads and selfmeta