[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - Game Thread - Cult Wins

Are we going to argue about terminoligy or about people’s faction? It’s all up to you, really.

Analogy is a letter and a space away from anal orgy.

and IDK how to feel about that,

yoir the one talking about terminology

it’s lovely

They r not

I suppose we can continue to waste the ~1 day that we have left arguing about trivial things. Or we could discuss people’s alignments.

i mean i’m more loose with terminology so it is for me

While you waste the day, I’m going to sleep.


as the creator of this class i feel its my duty to remind you that we shouldnt consider this class a neutral bd. this class can still win with nk’s. in fact, once its been attacked, it can no longer heal (assuming they dont time their day ability correctly). they can however give occupy or redirection immunity, something which nk’s occasionally lack. not sure how many in this game do, but i know that thats a thing in normal fol.

ideally they give you no way out. your only way out shouldnt be the kafka. if they are making a proper argument why would they intentionally leave you an out? thats just bad on their part? you are supposed to refute their claims and push your own, not just nullify theirs with the kafka.
and no kafka does not serve as evidence for your own claims.

i forget what its called, but i feel as though this is a logical fallacy. saying “hey lets just stop [x] and start [y]” while still either actively participating in [x] or at least not doing anything themselves to promote or begin [y]. and subsequently blaming others for this.
if you want us to “not waste the day” then start pushing people. start gathering information. you want it to happen, so make it happen.

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It’s objectively good because it exposes you, marshal and sulit and that one of you is likely scum.

I look like some nice LHF to you.

Lynch me because it gives us info and it isn’t going to be good news for you if one of you guys are scum


I’d like to see this happen btw

Softing a class doesn’t clear you btw lol

There is no way town thinks like this. I literally refuted all his arguments and this is how he sums it up. Nice

Would like an answer

And this.

Why has Marshal ignored everything I’ve said?

@Marshal explain

Interesting non-confirmable claim with conviently no results

Why do you act like this is proof that magically clears you?