[SFoL] SFoL 46 - Chaos 2 - Canned


cleanse my soul

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I am hjasiks alt

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BaN tHeM


On behalf of being a Wazza alt, I would like my main account @Wazza to be permanently banned as I don’t need it anymore. Plus firekitten is a cool name




On behalf of this account being my alt, I would like my alt @Kirefitten to be permanently banned as I haven’t used it and it has been hacked. Plus WazzaAzza hates cats and kittens…

…I will not explain the story…

…not on the forums anyway.

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I can prove I’m Wazza, my birthday is October 8th


My birthday is October 2nd tho.

I meant to say October 2th

I can prove I’m Wazza, my birthday is October 2nd

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What’s my real name then.

actually being 100% serious I looked on the birthday thread

You also fake.




That’s a fake name I put on a while ago.

My real name is John Cena.

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This is sadly not a joke.

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false, I once told my name to several people. I would never lie to those people. Take em away boys

What’s my second name.

Paying tribute to @Isaac_Gonzalez

You noob.

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No need to say it, the real Wazza would never lie about something when trying to prove who they are as that would be stupidly idiotic

Not letting you impersonate me else where