[SFoL] SFoL 46 - Chaos 2 - Canned


we were kinda weak anyway lmao

I hought boss was this cuz he kept asking me if I had royal blood
Honour and Prestige (Day ) - Target a player. You will be informed if they have Royal Blood. - 3 uses.

Obvs I claimed NK as kill on luxy So scum would think I am town And I would see Who they are

High Quality game in any case

Especially the steamed hams.
That happened without any coordination


Giving up as NK ruins the game for everyone else.

No it doesnt wat

Well, you see. Hjasik was doing a “big brain” play

How does it not? It’s basically nothing else than if you would out yourself as MM or any other evil class, without good resaon.
Other factions/neuts rely on your kills, and for BD it’s just a lame win.

Did you see that classcard

That only possibly way to win

Nobody really suspected hja to be nk in this case


They weren’t giving up in the slightest.
Especially because their wincon actually meant they were strictly anti-bd (?) if it was any other scum faction other than Unseen

This still holds up as reason here.
It’s a play to confuse players.

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What some may call throwing we call advanced strategies

Not really but it’s funny to think it’s not

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This is the same site where Eevee claims merc as phys, and I CS them as knight.


Well I always get surprised again how different FoL and ToL are then, sorry ^^


Totally fine.

When I was starting out I thought fake redchecks were real and that RVS was serious voting
Which may have led to a lot of hilarously bad situations

Oh, so then it’s okay to fake claim a red check and gets someone executed only based on that? I thought it’s only a bait

It’s a bait in most cases to get reactions.

lulreactiontest is the best counter other than completely ignoring it to do actually interesting things