[SFoL] SFoL 46 - Chaos 2 - Canned

When you’re BD and someone makes a scummy post, you say it’s scummy

But when you’re scum you end up saying the things that you said were scummy

Let’s read ourselves.


It’s either in thread posting or in role pm.
That’s the standard most hosts use.


Let’s wait until two people disagree on if someone is townie or scummy

It’s totally a TvS

It totally works 100%

This is extremely easy to angleshoot.

Ok now it’s real day start

So act serious even though there’s no one being serious and even though there’s no day 1 Lynch.

Someone vote me. I’m so susp

I was confused by this statement

When you’re good, you say people are su because of what they say.

But when you’re evil you end up saying those things


I am the Queen

I’m so GK


You don’t scumread people because of what they say. It’s more why they say it



I am back. My pathfinder session ended early.

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i play as pathfinder too

milk with granola is so good

Man of culture

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Can we policy lynch Hjasik now

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There is day one lynch right