[SFoL] SFoL 46 - Chaos 2 - Canned


If you can’t lynch them then night kill them

You don’t Policy Kill someone at night

Are you dumb?

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Why are the list of roles not in any order

I mean it’s chaos but

Put them in alignment order or something

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There is no rules that said I can’t do it

Most of the BD killers have a penalty for killing

And I don’t care if you’re memeing. If you want random PLs, PL yourself.

No one cares about your fruitless posts that are mostly filler to seem like you’re participating

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I like this post

What if we have multiple evil factions just because there’s no rolelist to say there can’t be

Boss is the overlord of diversion.

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Oh ok

I get what you’re doing now

Someone might actually fall for it

Is true. Now, we determine all the facts

After Day 2 start, let’s take every one hundredth post and ruthlessly nitpick it to explain why it’s scummy

With some tunnels

Time to ensure I get the 800th post.

I just finished writing my log. Ask me a question and I will try my best to answer

What is the secret recipe of Worcestershire sauce?

I don’t know what is “Worcestershire sauce”, next question

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By when will we achieve intergalactic travel?

I am not a scientist so how could I know? Next question

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Those were all of the questions I had.
Disclaimer I am tired AF which is why I have sounded dumb A.F.