[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Yeah but theoretically it wouldve been a very smart move

As it couldve meant the Devout be town confirmed

But yeah I do agree its near impossible for 6 terror fragments

Aside from the fact that Iā€™m not an EK, this isnā€™t possible. I donā€™t think the EK has any abilities that can help farm these terror fragments.

Its day 2, which would mean that the Dreamer didnt convert

Which means Stygian cant exist for them to do that

They do

EK can make them fearful which gives 2 fragments upon kill

Which ultimately reduces the Devout to either you, Priestess, or Fireslol.

:thinking: Are you really now ignoring everything we said

Hmm, for a moment I thought that the EK got something like a tailor.

Having Fear kind of works for that hypothesis, but I donā€™t have this and I SFā€™d n1.

Which you said you didnā€™t

No way did Devout have the 6 terror fragments to do that nor would they have Stygian N1.


It takes reaper, knight and physician to die with fragments in order to use double kill


But that would also mean that they killed EKā€™s target n1, converted n1

Which means 2 fragments n1

Then 4 fragments n2, by killing

@Geyde answer in DMs but can Abyss fear stack, allowing more than 2 shards per kill?

The odds that can happen is slim

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Yeah I agree

Itā€™s why Iā€™m sticking to the probable rather than the improbable.

Wazza basically confirmed he killed NK N1 anyways so.

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They technically dont even require the Sytigan if EK guarded Devout

But thats way too much in-thread communication for that

So im going to have to say that its near impossible

Yeah itā€™s almost only theoretical possible.
I still would love the opinion about Isaac from everyone of you. Why did we exclude him from being possible Devout in the first place

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Becauseā€™s heā€™s pretty much guaranteed to be the Prince rn.

So as my theory suggest, it is possible that N1 convert didnā€™t happen at all in order to gain fragments on Astand, chances that second feared target on either Wazza or Hjasik arenā€™t exactly high and neither has Alice has no idea that both of them would die N1

We already excluded him before he claimed Prince