[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!


Good catch. Potential Ice Ward from Fireslol?

Unless fires decided to IW or FW claims Butler or something itā€™s a convert

Remember never lynch a prince claim, let the princes Duke it out

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I have a hard deja vu here

IMO, Margā€™s flip depends mostly on Priestessā€™ flip.

Imo I think both are scum but you should never put a prince clakm on stand

Priestess is unable to out soulā€™s claim,not prince

Isaac told Kai what exactly Kai told the Prince. Priestess is just doing this to get another night.

Because jail axed is better than lynched?? Which logic is this
I only do this because I know I cannot be jail axed

To make it worse I donā€™t think Priestess would not do this as BD so executing her can mess us up if sheā€™s a fake claiming Therapist.

At least not from Isaac

I have done very similar plays quite a few times in tol /shrug

No one can survive a jail ax

I am confident I will survive this night.

Yeah but still itā€™s a practice you should do. What if her claim was more serious. Then you let the princes do it. Even if shes not prince at all its safer this way trust me

So if you want me really to die, execute me today. Since I wonā€™t die tonight.

But you will, Prince is a guaranteed spawn and they are going to lynch you

Are these all claims?

Alice- :crown:
Priestess-prince/therapist/prob devout

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;D Yeah but itā€™s not Isaac, and I kinda know what I am doing. I hope