[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Other than that, it means Fireslol is Stygian.


  1. Margaret
  2. Possessed
  3. Soulshade
  4. Frostwolf

Convert -fireslol

I asked Kai why he claims to have bountied me but he never answered, iirc

Absolutely not.

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Fireslol got lot of mentions already, you know.

Kai has proven doublevote,unless hes convert(Who fireslol appears to be) he’s town

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oh ok got ya

He got some already

Who happens to be jailed N2 so no Descent ability can be used

Kai I think

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And we have talked about fragments before, it’s nothing to worry about.

Even they gain outside of Devout kills such as prince killing, bd killing, lynching etc etc.

I doubt that is ever go reach 20 fragments

Oh I forgot to mention it was reply and not a question

I happen to be afraid.

Too bad you are devout

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So if you die in anyway the devout gains fragments


Ah well, like I mention it won’t matter.



So I guess someone did the homework