[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

If Marg flips Therapist, Soul doesn’t get a convert. Priestess gets exed, we up Soul and jail the convert. GG.

Your already proven without PoF,no sane scum would ask to PoF

Why mislynch when we can get confirmed scum?

Yes but I want to be 100% confirmed.

This,just this

Our realistic PoE for Devout is Soul/Marg/Frost/Poss.

With Frost occupying Soul then I don’t think Frost is the Dreamer. Ultimately it’ll end up being in Marg and Frost, or Poss if he hasn’t confirmed himself, but at the same time that’s highly unlikely. I don’t think it’s Fires, however.

Because we can end the game by tomorrow my way, and your way will take longer.

Frost voted magnus

Frost is also immune to redirection, so he could really have stopped Soul as well.

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This is wrong because if Fireslol is left alive they can RB or plan and ruin it because he takes up the Marg spot in my plan

For dreamer* Me and Frost can’t be Devout.

Which leads us to Soul/Marg and if I’m wrong Fires.

Why would priestess Bus the dreamer and not the covert? PLZ tell me @Possessed

Who can he occupy if dreamer dies?
There is only a problem if Frost doesn’t poison and marg is not dreamer

Dat can check Frost tonight, and Frost will use Party. Dat will have IW so Dats check will be 100% correct, eliminating Frost from Dreamer contention and letting the choices be Soul/Fireslol after we exe Marg.

@fireslol gg man your at L1

remember I can only use unlimited abilities

She didn’t bus Marg, she DEFENDED her.

Yeah I don’t know what you are trying to prove that my death accomplishes anything but losing a occupier who used poison which again I mention I won’t use it because reasons mentioned

She voted her right after Alice thinking it was hammer