[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!


How can we even confirm marg can block visits,only invest is the other dreamer suspectā€¦

Yeah and me

She defended her vehemently then voted her. You canā€™t take Priestessā€™ actions at face value, sheā€™s Scum.

Dreamer day ability

Ok would you bus your dreamer or your convert simple question

ML or not, Marg is the kill today.

NO thats wrong plz just listen to reason

and Kai

She didnā€™t bus her though. She defended her. Her defense was so flawed that it could LOOK like a bus, but it wasnā€™t a bus.

If marg is BD,either you or soul is,if you poison itā€™s soul and we get King out

You mean Dreamer PoE because I voted Magnus and would have killed myself.

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So Who do you suggest as Lynch?

thats not my question. WOuld you have bussed yyour convert or Dreamer? You personally if somehow u were abyss

Yep, typo. The Devout is in Fires/Marg/Priestess.

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Heā€™s convert,that would open convert spot

Not if we follow my plan just read

Havenā€™t we established if this night is convert night?

If marg yes, if soul no