[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

I sent one towards SoD check again

As in as I sent my message before SoD if that wasnt apparant

Iā€™m busy irl until tomorrow so Iā€™ll leave it for now

So plan

Wait for Kai to get results,either soul/Frost are Lynch,DO NOT VOTE BEFORE KAI COMES
If fires doesnā€™t PoF hes exed,if heā€™s somehow legit CW we have to rethink


And why is that?

Remember the convert should be devout now

Frost,Iā€™m reading conduit rn,Kai canā€™t be convert unless fires is CW

Do u see my second message?

What are the odds Fireslol is the Dreamer?

Could be, could be devout

Got both

I think the best way for Kai to confirm is to use double vote rather than saying his Gossip in case

You said it cant confirm him though?

If he is Devout then no he canā€™t

Small,if Kai claims both Frost and soul are legit dreamer is fires,but itā€™s unlikely

Yeah thatā€™s one of the reasons I told Kai not to double vote yesterdayā€¦so we can get his today. Who was conduited?

Once Kai claims gossip and we have a solid plan he doubles

Frost dat

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Correct, I said that to Dat straight away that condfirms Met

Rn me,Isaac,dat and poss are confirmed