[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!


why they don’t have majority

I don’t think Possessed is talking about mechanical confirmation here

Dreamer+convert turned devout+your vote+EK can happen(unlikely but better carefull)

theres only 2 devout rn

3 devout

/vote alice

Dreamer+convert+maybe EK

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so evil king then

If maybe=35% then yes

can i pull discobot

You can,but It wont be accepted as proof of aligment

…what the hell, Isaac.

@discobot fortune
is alice ek

:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

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The goddess has spoken.

Fortune favors us.

Please don’t use discobot in thread.


Great, whatever.

But Meteoro, this is not going anywhere with the plan you suggest.

You know Possessed used to say?

Whats the problem with my plan?,we only need to wait a bit