[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Like I say prince exe, but it doesnt matter the order. Frost and Fireslol both have to die so it’s kinda up to Isaac on who he wants

im liking it because he hasn’t posted in three days. save mes effort lol

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What if Kai WAS converted and he covered for Fireslol/Soul?

Exactly, there is no proof and I hate to see town play this low. I would be ashamed we will lose like this.

also geyde has informed me i will know if multiple things happen. get fucked kid :sunglasses:

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That doesn’t prove you are telling the truth.

Where is Soul when you need him

frost is confirmed scum. ez prince jail and exe plz

i know one of us is lying and i im not soooo

So at worst…Kai is convert. We hang Frost, exe Fireslol…if its somehow Soul, well played abyss.

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Yes you are, clutch king. When you get converted by Soul then I know for now you prepared a plan now.

i dont need to clutch when the scum is this obvious :stuck_out_tongue:

@Frostwolf103 did you ever get my second conduit message?

So lets see, 9 players total:

I got lynched, 8

Fireslol lynched, 7

Kai kill someone, 6.

4 votes in majority.

Soul cannot convert and Alice is most likely GK.

There is no way we could lose, but then yes, GG Abyssians

Game plan:
Hang Frost. If he’s butler, we use his occ for Kai.
Jail exe Fireslol.
Occ Kai if he’s wrong with Dat.
Guard Isaac.
Ill random barrier.
Met conduits again. Gg.


Yes, I do.

Kai will double vote Frost, btw.

Wanna reveal that?

Yeah seems pretty good to me

Good plan, guarenteed win.

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@Isaac_Gonzalez Fireslol is jailed right. Need to make sure this works