[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Frost vote yourself.

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You understand why I said I counterclaim for claimspace?

fine /vote frost

@Possessedif you havent vote frost


Because Soulā€™s claim make it over 10 claims, including the BD/neut spot.

the same can be said about yours

11 bd claims means someone fakeclaimed

Yes but I am counterclaiming it first

Can we get a VC @Geyde

And you try to rally BD to vote me

because your scum

last know VC

This is not meaningless, if you are smart and I hope Alice is GK, you would keep vote majority on 5 if I were you. Simple holding him.

this game has been solve. Game. Set. Match

Remember Strategy:

After Frost flips, if heā€™s butlerā€¦occ Kai.
Fireslol should be jailed and exed.
Isaac needs to be guarded by King.
I will random barrier.
Soul should follow me since Iā€™m not outting who I barrier
Met can condy or link Dat or Me.

No, you are scum now because Meteoro make a stupid plan and Soul knows he can take advantage

Majority is 5?

If Fireslol flips CW, I might considering quitting


yep and Iā€™ve pulled rank