[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Call it Firewolf… but shhh

Ultimately, your stance not to rush is also against your words.

Since we didn’t wait for Soul, Fire and Alice.

It’s hard for newbies, but I ask that they make the attempt to post and work with their team

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Well the flaw was the easy Butler claim, and that was our fault for giving it to you.

No, Margaret checking Priestess N2 when visit is prevented

Which Margaret gamethrow

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If you also didn’t know, I read the “Soul was prevented on Priestess” as a Stygian Wave of Madness initially.


Yep, I saw that, good read.

Margaret would have outted me

Which she didn’t.

THAT is the flaw

They checked Frost n2

Oh ops



Same, especially when you check out my upcoming game.

That probably will never end in a no-contest for reasons ;^)

I was trying to defend “Prince” Margaret, that was such a town move… she could have totally believed me.

I am aware, which I am distancing him and take action as my own.

If Soul actually answered, I would go from Soul/Kai to Fire/Kai ^^

Which is suppose to be my next step

Our flaw was GIVING you that action. It could have bit us in the butt.