[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

just search Fool in fol changes thread if you want to know my arguments

Laziness has too much power though

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One way or another, if you are acting too scummy you will be executed or marked or something. Instead of looking at why Fool is bad, you need to look at why town can see a Fool lynch as good.

I am looking at you

So how rewarding scum for bad plays being bad strat stand from TWTBAW then

Wait a fool lunch can be good to town?

Just as an aside: I donā€™t and wouldnā€™t play a fool as complete scummy. I would be strategic with it.


I have stolen a lot of memes

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But you were too lazy to even reply?

You did use in this game to use protection yourself since normally you canā€™t self target.

Sure did.

Which is frowned upon

we should introduce you to ghost town actually

Fool bad because it literally wins for free
Thatā€™s it

I donā€™t feel like arguing more about the validity of something people have already made far longer posts on.

ā€œCould be foolā€ is never an excuse for a class solely based on WIFOM.
Itā€™s blatantly townsided.

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this game

is the single reason why Fool is bad



Yeah we were all fools.

Soz for the spoiler.

Wait is it? My badā€¦I just wanted to use my resources for my longevity lol