[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Then why is he sheeping on you despite him admittedly consider that you may be a Fool?

For the second portion because his posts just pings me ridiculously hard. It’s effectively a player wanting to bandwagon anyone for any reason whatsoever disregarding their alignment. I’m quite sure you’re likely town here as you’re extremely pushy when BD, which you’re here unlike your TvB game.

I am convinced of Alice’s reasoning on Magnus,

I wonder why you, Magnus and Priestess are eager to lynch Alice? I don’t understand your point.

Yep. Fireslol is basically a confirmed CW rn.

I am not eager to lynch alice at all it’s a placeholder in case we have nothing better to do later. Even if alice actually is evil king it’s a waste because they are unable to do anything unless we lose the game anyway

I’m mostly looking into Priestess and Magnus, tho.

Their reasoning to sheep was weak as hell.

Process of Elimination is in effect, don’t you agree?

So scumreading 40% of the people who ahve posted today :thinking:

Does Met typically use these reactions tests also as town?

Yeah I think he did

Not exactly. Way too many nulls so far.

As scum*

I only know that from Chronicles of Valkriya as townie, so not exactly I know from his scum side.

At least with three people I mean

So here’s where I’m at right now.

Strong BD

  1. Fireslol - Slipped as CW
  2. Possessed - Basically, playing exactly like SFoL20

Likely BD

  1. BazingaBoy - Pushy as hell. Quite sure this is BD as he’s playing the opposite as he did in TvB.
  2. Frostwolf - Solvey in his own way. Plays just ike he did in Abyss 1.
  3. Meteoro - I don’t think I’ve ever seen him make reactions tests as scum, so he’s my weakest TR so far.


  1. Soulshade - Same as below, nothing much that AI.
  2. Kai - Few posts so far that aren’t that AI.
  3. Margaret. - Have yet to really post as well.

Likely Abyss

  1. Datbird - His early town bloc rubbed me the wrong way, kind of seems like pocketing tbh.
  2. Priestess - Basically, sheep without rhythm or reason onto Baz. Looks like they have less malicious intent than Magnus. Since I don’t think a wolf would be in so much proximity to their partners I don’t think Priestess/Magnus is W/W.

Strong Abyss.

  1. Magnus - I’ve made my case above.

Neutral Claim

  1. Isaac_Gonzalez - Claimed Alchemist.

Quite sure the Priestess is cleared in the likely case that Magnus flips Abyss. If not, then she should be checked by the Therapist as she’d be the strongest candidate for Abyss in the event he flips Blue.

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Okay here’s the real reason I voted Alice (you can call me dumb if you want, but please don’t, I already know it o.O)
I thought Bazinga is a real Pretender and found alice as k/o or so, so we should vote her to get at least her claim.
Then I realized that Alice is queen, but well, if we have a Pretender it’s not as terrible to vote the king out (Yeahhhh… I’m terrible neuts in, but you already know that)
Then I realized Pretender doesn’t exist :eyes:

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Jailed last night how fun.

I probably shouldn’t write and vote so late at night, it was 5am here


So basically you want a ML and then to install a neutral as a King?

What’s a ML?

Mislynch, so you didn’t care for my alignment when you voted me, right?