[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

? It sounds easier.

They need 3 successful heals. The odds were just cut in half with NK death. Honestly FoL Alch seems tough.

I wish I would be a knight then I could help this poor neut, but I’m not

are you serious?

wait alice is king lol what

Also I know what you all are thinking about helping neuts to win just for the sake of it

FoL alch is basically BD anyway.

Yes, Alice is king.

So @Magnus: I’m willing to bet you aren’t fool, and you’re acting so scummy that I’m prepared to go through with lynching you. Are you gonna explain your previous actions or do we gotta hammer you?

I’m Therapist. Alice is scum. No more words are needed.

I’ll check you tonight, if you wish?



Why’d you check Alice?

alice is king

kings can be checked?

  1. Can you even check King?
  2. Even if you can, why would you?

You can’t. I’d imagine Magnus is lolcatting now.

am I null to you?

…you claimed Alch. I’m letting you self-resolve.