[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

No no no. You said one you checked Alice as Abyss, two then it was moderror to Astand, then when asked

Abyss check means you found abyss

is fool still in this game lmao

Yes, but Magnus said he doesnt want to be D1 lynched again and isnt as care free to dying like BvT before reroll

See this whole logic has me bugging out. Why push a player you didnā€™t check N1, then hard claim one of the most important roles in the game? I sincerely believe you arenā€™t scum but your anti-town playstyle is worth the lynch.

magnus is at L-3 correct?

yea it is ok iā€™m not dumb

If this is L-3? :thinking:

I think this is L-2, but I donā€™t know really about these terms.

I want a few more opinions on this issue so donā€™t quickhammer it.

Wasnā€™t my intention.

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Oh I donā€™t mean you personally Priestess, just in general. :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh, the wagon is semi-decent as Iā€™m hard TRā€™ing Frost and Poss right now.

My extra vote and Isaac being a neut here is kind of meh-ish, though.

Iā€™d say Magnus has a pretty good chance of flipping Abyss.

Any leads on potential Scum, your majesty? I figure we should start making a priority checklist for our Investigatives.

If Magnus flips Abyss, then the next check should be Baz as his insistence that Magnus is BD is weird. If not, then Iā€™d at least make sure Priestess is BD as her answers to my question were terrible.

Yeah, I donā€™t think Isaac is actually an Alchemist to be quite honest. I donā€™t think Iā€™d wagon on a Scum this early as Alch and risk game and before I could reach my wincon, especially with a dead NK.

Isaacā€™s kind of unpredictable like that. If another neutral flips down the line then Iā€™d probably start checking Isaacā€™s votes and actually begin putting pressure on him depending on how his posts went.

There has to be Scum within your nullreads.

Re-vamped reads here.

Strong BD

  1. Margaret - Donā€™t question this.
  2. Fireslol - Slipped as CW
  3. Possessed - Basically, playing exactly like SFoL20

Likely BD

  1. BazingaBoy - Pushy as hell. Quite sure this is BD as heā€™s playing the opposite as he did in TvB. If Magnus flips Abyss then this will go down a notch.
  2. Frostwolf - Solvey in his own way. Plays just like he did in Abyss 1.
  3. Meteoro - I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen him make reactions tests as scum, so heā€™s my weakest TR so far.


  1. Soulshade - Same as below, nothing much that AI.
  2. Kai - Few posts so far that arenā€™t that AI.
  3. Priestess - Basically, sheep without rhythm or reason onto Bad. Looks like they have less malicious intent than Magnus. Since I donā€™t think a wolf would be in so much proximity to their partners I donā€™t think Priestess/Magnus is W/W. Interactions with Marg put this back to null.

Likely Abyss

  1. Datbird - His early town bloc rubbed me the wrong way, kind of seems like pocketing tbh.

Strong Abyss.

  1. Magnus - Needs to be lynched today.

Neutral Claim

  1. Isaac_Gonzalez - Claimed Alchemist.

For other checks Iā€™d put in Soul/Met/Kai/Bird who arenā€™t fully cleared.

Metā€™s kind of town-ish but Soul and Kai are null-ish over their low post count.

With that being said, the focus of your nullreads would be Soulshade and Kai. Soul claims jailed N1, so if he flips Scumā€¦heā€™s only flipping Dreamer which would also mean no N1 convert. Kai hasnā€™t really provided much content, and Iā€™m not familiar yet of Kais general behavior patterns.

Iā€™m not sure about Kai, but he had a lot of time spent meming yesterday, and not providing enough posts to make a read on him, thatā€™s kinda lurking?