[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

“I am r-regretful to inform you sire…Bazingaboy was murdered last night.”

“This day extracts a heavy toll. One of my heirs slain, what is the purpose of these insurgents?”

“It’s some…cult? Not the cult of Mithras, their methods aren’t this savage. Bazingaboy’s teeth were torn out and stabbed through their neck.”

Bazingaboy has died.

They were the Princess.

n1 astand soc/sup
n2 soulshade abyss

everyone but me is dumb for lynching magnus I hope I die n2

Day 3 begins. Majority is 6 as 11 players are alive.

WazzaAzza may speak in thread now.


So basically, the d2 lynch and this result confirms…

  1. We have a Priest.
  2. One neut slot was already taken by Magnus.

Also we have a Noble or Decadent in Kai, Frostwolf, or Possessed

Rn I’d actually like for the Prince to jail/execute Isaac. We already have a neut down in Magnus, so it’s now less likely that he’s a genuine Alch.

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Well the fact that someone died we can do some process of elimination here, no?

Yeah by that logic the Devotee (the assassin like one) wasnt jailed

The assassin wasn’t:

  1. Jailed
  2. Didn’t vote up Magnus.
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Eliminating me, Frostwolf, Isaac, and Kai from Devout contention.

So basically, the Devotee is not in Frost/Isaac/Possessed/Kai.

Remove Soulshade for being jailed n1 and still having a kill present.

Remove Marg and me for obvious reasons.

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This leaves Met/Priestess/Fires/Bird as the only people who can be the devotee.

And once someone shows up Im confirmed so the PoE is even smaller

Just tell us rn?

I have great reason to believe its one of Priestess/Bird Tbh.

/puts hand into Wazzas corpse to let him speak to yall Im the priest

Ok, if that’s the case I REALLY think its Priestess.

So our last three suspects for the Devotee are in Met/Priestess/Fires.

Fireslol slipped as CW earlier, so I don’t think it’s him.

Quite sure that it’s Priestess as well especially for her d2 play.

i hard claim noble

Take Met out of the equation as well.