[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Damn of course Prince jailed ya Kai lol. You didn’t give them enough time to take it off you, you got us to quickhammer Magnus…

I’m just asking you for your reasons >.>

Ok now I really want you to be on my team.

Why must RNG hate you?

so this is a confirmation on the pull rank D1? right

d2 technically

I will be with you soon, I think.

the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma

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Yeah bounty isn’t on unfortunately.

who would you have gossiped or bountied if you werent jailled?

myself automatically as i was a voter on Magnus


It won’t matter, as long as Dat doesn’t die we can still talk here, and even if you die I can chat with you in Dead Chat at the same time;(

true i didnt think of that

but i prob would have gossiped Possessed

Shucks. I would have got a confirmation if you gossipped me and didn’t vote Magnus along with me. :frowning:

and i wasn’t jailed


See, there can’t be obstacles between us.
Also I asked for you to be resurrected yesterday.

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i was jailed last night

Sadly I’m not fully alive. This is only my voice.

Plot Twist: I’m speaking through you and not Dat.

