[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Princess invest :face_vomiting:

@anon97870008 Who is your Dreamer buddy hmm?

Wazza of course!

And no, I’m not abyss.

Of course!!!

well then answer my question then?

I am your Dreamer buddy?


Oh god that sounds bad I just realised.

Wait which question

Lets assume you are telling the truth. Who would you think is Abyss then, Priestess?

this one you just said interesting question last time

honestly i’m kinda sus of possessed. he kinda seems to be diverting attention off himself a tad to push a priestess mislynch possibly?


Eh, I don’t think Priestess is a ML.

She’s one of the three people that can be the Devout here and I already had my eyes on her d2.

Like I said Kai, if an invest class wanted they could confirm me based on my redirect to myself.

inb4 elaborate SvS to make it look TvT

I know Margaret, she knows me. I would have killed her for being prince n1 if I would be Abyss.

Yeah but she didnt say she was prince day 1 and you said she was active

When do you think I knew she was Prince?

If you’re not, then Fireslol’ reveal is not as genuine as we thought.

Marg would have been pushed hard d2 and then forced to be outed either way.