[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

There are ways to manipulate my invests though

So can we get some reads Isaac: I want ur opinions on Met, Kai, and Frostwolf especially

Frostwolf softclaimed I believe.

why as

doesnt mean I dont want Isaacs thoughts on them

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idek when they softed lol

hen just give your gut read then

kai - town
forst - epic
met - from spain

Isaac can you take this serious? And explain them a bit more

omg why are you doing this

because I want you to help town win

well this lach claim is a lie so

Isaac Dreamer confirmed…?

not a lie*

@Meteoro you flappy bird child get over here.

Isaac you should really explain your reads

K then be a BD alch and give me some good reads

/vote possessed

let me chill

No Isaac, you are going to be lynched if your not gonna be cooperative