[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Baz. Always. Scumreads. Me.

To be honest, I DO think Alice pushed Magnus KNOWING heā€™s foolā€¦but the fact that sheā€™s pushing a confirmed Devout I think helps her case. If Alice finds Dreamer then I think sheā€™s ok to live at least another day or two.


what is flappy birding

I didnā€™t know Magnus was a Fool ffs. Plus, I didnā€™t want the Prince to risk his exes on it.


He can curse or hes replaced so he wrote that instead

The ā€œFā€ Word but just censored.

I am Religious now as I have been revived by both Priestess and Birdest

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wait wazza canā€™t curse anymore?

Well. I canā€™t curse in this game anymore. But that is a worthy sacrifice.

It was so scummy it HAD to be fool. I didnā€™t care either way because a redirection to myself doesnā€™t hurt me.

and what do you get in return

Hey alice, I already asked Bazinga why he tried to out Margaret. Now I ask you the same.

to speak and vote, so now that he confirmed that Hjasik said it can you please give me some reads

(I know he was meme posting but Geyde sent me this message):
ā€œNo swears in my christian serverā€
Like I wish I was joking.


I didnā€™t try to out Margaret. She was already playing extremely scummy. The point of this game is to lynch scummy players and thatā€™s why I was pushing her.

hey guys vote alice


how about no.

ok im fine with that

We need our Prince to jail Meteoro first. Then we shall hammer Alice.