[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

don’t ask them that

but we can self resolve them now

ok fine I sent to kai “Reads?”

and he was like

“lmoaml xd you reallyu think i got reasd my guy idk who u asking that quesiton”


Isaac - Dreamer
Priestess - Devout

Hooray town!

cya in dead chat when i execute u

Tbh, I’d rather you misexe me than Met so.


Poss is likely BD here. Don’t exe Poss.

exe marg :wink:

Nobody is being mis-exed.

Meteoro, ??? and ???
Alice - Evil King or whatever it is called.

well poss is about to be in like 20 hours

Noone executes Marg, period.

Stop listening to Baz. He accuses me of being evil every damn game.

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Wazza got kicked from chat since hes kinda not dead anymore

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The prince says you’re evil.

im gonna exe 3 people in a row @scum

Good thing you aren’t Prince then because your reads are both off and would cost the game for BD. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m literally not even in the chat anymore to accuse you.