I think he’s just not reading posts.
If you die the night a converter tries to convert you the conversion fails.
I think he’s just not reading posts.
If you die the night a converter tries to convert you the conversion fails.
Thank you for mechanic confirmation Alice.
I’ve got a running theory that the Dreamers first two attempts were Meteoro and then me, both which would have failed.
Mainly a theory so I look like I’m doing work.
I am here, what do you mean by that theory, Possessed?
I mean like…its just a guess since I have no evidence but what if the Dreamer hasn’t converted yet?
Do you have facts to back that up why Dreamer hasn’t converted someone?
I have theory myself but I like to hear from you first.
Nope, no facts…just a hunch. My theory on why is up a little bit. What’s your theory, Frost?
I feel like I could have been read as an Invest class d2 with my pushes, and if Dreamer thought the same they’d think “Oh hey! Free Invest convert since they’re being redirected to themselves!”
Ok now you have to explain this. You are claiming convert immune CW?
Ice Ward (Night) - Prevent anyone else from visiting your target. - 2 uses
I wasn’t the N1 convert, and its possible they went for me while being redirected.
I believe I heard Marg and like 5 pings
Isaac is CCing your softclaim.
Good morning. Isaac wants to jail exe you tonight ;D ahahahaha
how is someone counterclaiming a softclaim
Are you not Prince?
Don’t ask me what happened o.O
You got Prince from that
Well that works but lmao no
Would you be comfortable claiming so he doesn’t waste a jail exe on you?
Trust prince in their decision if they want to jail exe Marg or not