[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!


Calm down with the swears…

Here are some other options you can use:
Frickle my Nickle
Flappy Birdy
Flappy my Birdy

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Frost was checked by me

Hes not Devout and isnt convert if he was converted n1

i cc

We should probably kill Frost then.

Stop with shitposting

If Frost is BD. Then Margaret is most likely fine.

brb, convincing Mods to blacklist Isaac


how is me ccing shitposting

He claimed butler who occ reaper N1,even when its proven reaper wasnt occupied

It was a prank lol

y e s

Possibly idiot town but not devout or n1 convert

I said that several times

My suspicion is hes dreamer

Wow Frost, stop with the shitposting.

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Ok cool have fun with that then

That is not shitposting

because i cced lol?

You take my fake logs as evidence you shouldn’t have

Not true. If Frost is BD, it confirms nothing.

Then claim…