[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Clear or Stygian used Nightmare?

Heā€™s accusing the confirmed Mystic who was barriered N1 and the Obs who basically bussed the CW.

That is not accusing, read please.

Itā€™s fun if you do read.

Youā€™re reading them scum. Why?

oh so we got a godfather so I guess yeah that means Soul can still be dreamer

Youā€™re not outting the information that would win us the game. Is that not anti-town?

So whos scum according to you?

Soul can be Dreamer, but why would a Dreamer check their Devout?

Reminder that priestess/marg are devout,of the 6 people who didnt vote magnus theyā€™re the only option

He is the one claiming observer so who can actually verify his actions?

Fireslol is basically a lurker convert

So yes, fireslol need seriously come online

ā€œLet me check my Devoutā€¦oh shoot I was prevented how ever did that happen?ā€

Bus and then make room for conversion. Usually this is one of my go-to strats as MM.

Would you claim to visit someone who has a merc effect on them?

Frostwolf doesnā€™t look well here, I thought Isaac is devout and Marg is prince, but I guess itā€™s confirmed that I took the two in the wrong order. Soulshade is known for inactivity when heā€™s evil, also his logs are pretty bad for an Obs.
Fireslol could be converted, but I have no proof or not proof for it.

Marg canā€™t be the Devout as you green checked her.

I stil think you are devout,as why would the converted CW prevent visits to you?
Actually frost,are you butler?

In between the unnecessary FPS and Magnusā€™ d2 Fool play, this has been a weird game.