[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

At least not as my defense but of her. So she is not outted an not targetted.

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Yes I thought Margaret was Prince! She wouldn’t have jail axed me, if I fake her class!

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It’s even considered as good play to fake claim prince when the real prince is trusting you

lol instead of claiming ur class u fake claimed prince

now look whats happening ur being exed by a prince

Okay, not my fault then. I haven’t done anything wrong.

I just realised.

Who’s genius idea is it to roll ISAAC as Prince?

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go away dead noob

knights out

Come to me dead noob :^)

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Their d1 was legit

am i going to have to exe dat so u die

Oof I wanted to respond to Wazza not to you

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Of course

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you will meet them in the grave have fun

Isaac is a bully

Hjasik would’ve reaped Isaac N2

