[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Yes and no, it is good thing.

And this is why I thought/hoped he canā€™t be prince . . .

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I knew something is off with Hjasik so he wasnā€™t that subtle

If he pulll the same trick as Alice did, I would lynched him in no time

Frigging Psycho kings

Iā€™ll ignore deathchat until Wazza comes ;((

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Iā€™ll hopefully be there soon ;((

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Iā€™ll wait for you, I promise

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hjas is a she btw

are you gay

donā€™t use that as an insult please, weā€™re a lgbt-friendly community


i didnā€™t use it as an insult

uhhā€¦ noā€¦?

I was really not expecting that today.

I think Iā€™m going to head offline for a bitā€¦ continue to gamesolve while Iā€™m gone.

why hasnā€™t priestess been hung yet wtf

cuz fireslol mainly

Priestess isnā€™t being hung?

Sheā€™s BD

press x to doubt