[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

nvm it seems i need that guide as well lmao

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Well obviously I’m a newbie who needs guidance

1st stop fake claiming prince

i like to think you know your way around a match. I was saying your reading comprehension could need some work :wink:

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Yeah posting 16 hours in a row was obviously not good for my concentration

Also I never talk much. And now look at this grafik

That feeling when me and priestess can easily confirm each other

And we’re still the highest reads for Dreamer?


how can you confirm priestess they are therapist


Frost, DatBird, Kai cant be Devout

I cant be Devout, and an Observer would confirm me and Priestess as not Dreamer because Dreamer only is able to double visit if they already have a convert

So Alice, Frost, Kai, Me, Priestess, Isaac cant be Devout. Met can he confirmed.

So that leaves Fireslol (CW), which can confirm self but hasnt yet
Possessed… which… is what…
And Soulshade… who no one knows.

whats ur claim again

poss - cw
soul - observer

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Im checked by Priestess, so I can easily confirm myself by confirming her prevent visit ability

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how does that confirm you dreamer has something that hides itself


Hiding itself doesnt mean that it can prevent visits lmao

ur saying this is the scum team?

but the only observer claim is soul

Im only saying Devout is in there

still exeing priestess


I should ask Geyde if Noble’s feedback for “Successful Investigation” extends to Observer