[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

W e l l S o r r y

hey can you exe me

Frost wolf who are you gonna RB

Not to mention it rids of afraid those who visit Therapist

I can stop Fireslol from using his abilities

Hes lynch

That would be done by now, for some reason we decide to wait.

Cuz now we gotta do the possessed Met thing
@Meteoro and @Possessed

I think we’ve agreed for conduit

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@Alice looks good to you?

Well one proves Possessed and the other proves Met

Met to use linking isn’t exactly proving in case he is faking it, it cannot be traced

/vote Fireslol @Geyde

Good morning

Met would be proven by tomorrow anyhow.

If we lynch Fireslol and let Marg free, she gets a N3 convert. I don’t think its smart.

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Shes also obs watched so we know who she converts

Is anyone getting Sellsword vibes from Frost?


Just PoF

I kinda am, but its not really significant.