[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

i don’t agree

Leaning more on Fires. Marg and Priestess are both Therapist claims so I assume one, Marg in this case, is truthtelling.

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She totally could, but that dont clear her. A lot of people have said ek before and after her

/vote alice

Ignore the copypasting

Just memeing on ya

…yeah, sheep the Devout onto me.

In the off chance that Frost is Sellsword, he could occ Kai the noble and throw everything off.

i want to lynch the king/queen idk what u are lmao

Marg is defending priestess without reason and refuses to do anything else

Like if we flip Pirestess as scum first would you still consider Marg as scum @Meteoro and @Possessed?

If Kai is occ It proves Frost as nontown for occ him

Point is, Priestess is most likely the Devout in this situation. She greenchecked Marg, so if she’s Therapist then Marg is clean, and Fires is likely starting CW. See why I think we should exe Priestess regardless?

Flip marg first


im jail exeing marg

My plan guarantees no converts

and i want to lynch king

Lynching Priestess as Scum wouldn’t prove anything imo.

If you believe Priestess’ claim, why are you lynching her green check?